I am addled, beat, bleary, bone-weary, bushed, crispy, dog-tired, drained, enervated, frazzled, limp, outta gas, played out, prostrated, run-down, sapped, shot, spent, tired out, wasted, weak, weakened, wearied, worn, worn out. (thanks Thesaurus.com, I couldn't bear to think of a another synonym)
Michael had a friend come over tonight that sells life insurance and does other financial planning. I seriously had NO idea what kind of night we were in for.
I am addled, beat, bleary, bone-weary, bushed, crispy, dog-tired, drained, enervated, frazzled, limp, outta gas, played out, prostrated, run-down, sapped, shot, spent, tired out, wasted, weak, weakened, wearied, worn, worn out. Oops, I already wrote that. Need I say more?
I told Michael I feel worse tonight than I did after I had Ethan. At least I had Ethan to hold at the end of that labor. Tonight I don't have anything so wonderful except the knowledge that we were EXTREMELY under-insured and now we are hopefully insured perfectly. I can't believe all we had to answer and think about. I can't believe everything they ask you. I can't believe everything they tell you.
I always tease Michael about being an ostrich and burying his head in the sand. I have been being an ostrich about our finances. There was nothing we could do (besides pray) so I had just given it no thought at all. Boy did I feel stupid tonight....
"how much do you owe on that?"
"I don't know"
"how much interest do you pay on that?"
"I don't know"
"is it a revolving or fixed rate?"
"I don't know"
And on and on and on it went. for over 3 hours.
Questions like "how much money do you want to have a month if Michael was to die?" Hmmmm can I choose the option where Michael doesn't die?
It was another of those talks that is hard if you are trying to speak in faith. "Well see, I expect Michael to live the long life that is promised in Deuteronomy 30:19, Proverbs 9:11, Deuteronomy 5:33 among others. And God meets all our needs out of HIS riches in glory (Phil 4:19) so we don't need to worry (Phil 4:6). But thanks for asking."
Don't get me wrong, I think life insurance is important. I think financial planning is important. I just wish I could figure out a way to get it done while keeping my mouth shut and my head in the sand.