Thursday, November 03, 2005

Talitha Cumi

How do you thank those who have whispered supplications
From their mouth to the ear of the Father?
For those who have been on their knees for us,
Not only asking for miracles,
But thanking Him for the many blessings?
For those who put their hope in His word?
These are the people who agreed with us
The more than two or three
who arose
went with us to the throne
And came back changed.

It’s funny how He does that, isn’t it?
We think we are coming to Him on behalf of someone else,
And yet He changes us. Each of us.
And we arise
become more like Him.
It’s that time spent beyond the veil-
In the secret place of the Most High.
How can we not be changed?

We heard time and again
Even walking into Kaedra’s hospital room
You could feel the anointing.
There was something special there.
After spending time with her
Praying and singing and praising
We arose
With the faces of Moses
Bright and shining with glory.

And He heard us.
Oh, we knew He would
And His Word says if we know He hears us
whatever we ask –
we know that we have what we ask of him.
And we did.
No more Jarcho-Levin.
No disease.
He took it away and healed her.
And we arose
To see that he is not changed.

Within days of her being born
God spoke to us:
Do not be afraid, just believe
And she will be healed.
And she was.
And she is.
And we thank Him.

And we thank you.
You arose
followed us out into the desert
To have our faith tested and tried
By he who is in the world.
And he, the lesser, fled
In all seven directions.

God has plans for her
They have been spoken
And they will be done.
She is a peculiar baby-
Set apart for Him
His treasured possession.

But not just for Him,
But for all of us
We who have grown through her
Who have learned more about Him
By caring about her.
And what Satan meant for death
God used for Himself
That the Son of God may be glorified by her.

And Jesus said, “Talitha, cumi”
“Child, arise.”
And we all did.

Thank you

1 comment:

The Zandi Zoo said...

We love you guys!!! Praising God with you!!!