Monday, January 02, 2006

Notes from Our Finest Hour

Last night at church was amazing, as usual. Pastor did not preach, but another man from our church, John Exum, did. It was a very moving service for me and God spoke to me quite a bit during it. In fact, I wrote an entire page of notes that were directly from Him.

Anyway, I thought I would share some of the things John preached last night.

Why are we looking somewhere remote for the works of Jesus
when WE should be DOING the works of Jesus?

If you won't preach the word of God wherever you are, why would God promote you?

What is my call and why am I not fulfilling it?

We are not living at the level God wants us to be at because we are not being who He wants us to be.

God is never quiet. If we are not hearing Him, we aren't close enough to Him. (and, if we go by too fast, we hear Him out of context)

There is more to life than what we are living right now.

When we are consumed with knowing the plan, we miss living the plan.

God's plan for me is not JUST for is for someone else too.

Yield to Him! Come back to God and repent. There is no plan "b."

The church's web page has MP3s now of many sermons and of the New Year's Eve Prophecies.

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