Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday 6/4/07 Kaedra update

Ethan and I got here last night. Michael, Ethan and I are staying at a hotel right now because the Ronald McDonald house is full. We are waiting to see if it will open up.

Kaedra is doing really well. I am sure she is stir crazy. Her IV came out today and they tried sticking her 5 times and never got a good stick. They gave up and decided to try again when she is under. We were very relieved, it was heartbreaking to hear her crying while they tried to find a good vein.

One of our surgeon's operations got cancelled today so they are on their way to get Kaedra right now. The operation he has planned will be in between 1 - 1 1/2 hours. If he has to take the rib out, it will be an extra hour. We are still believing he will see the skin and not want to do the surgery at all. If he does decide to do the surgery we believe he will not have to take the rib out! If the rib does come out, we believe that no harm will come to Kaedy-bug at all and she will not need ventilation and her "rib cage" will be stable and not collapse. We also believe that (no matter what the doctor does) she will not have to be on ventilation and will come back to the regular floor.

A praise report is that she has been off of her vent since Saturday morning at 7am! That is the longest she has ever gone. HALLELUJAH!

Apparently my email program is up at home and also my yahoo messenger. I need to get a hold of Brittany to log them off for me. I can't get any of my mail here (in between last night and now), it has all been downloaded to the home computer and I can't sign onto yahoo. Hopefully I will get that taken care of soon and be able to communicate a little more effectively.

Okay, they are here to get her. I am off and will update when I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Kaedra!! I prayed for her doctors as well!!