Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Weekly Menu (for Brandi)

Okay, Brandi, I will give you a weekly menu. This is one we used about two weeks ago (I haven't had a chance to make a new one yet) However, just so you know, I took a lot off of one of your weekly menus for ideas!!! So, if this looks familiar, you will understand. ;-)

B: Muffins
Snacks: Apple with PB
Lunch: Quesadillas, veggies with dip
Dinner: Garlic Roast

B: Cereal
Snacks: Carrots with Ranch
Lunch: Sandwiches, pickles
Dinners: pork chops on the grill

B: Bagels with Cream Cheese
Snacks: Granola Bar
Lunch: fish sticks, cottage cheese, fruit
Dinner: Chicken and Mushrooms in CP

B: Cereal
Snacks: Apple with PB
Lunch: B-sandwich at PE; Colby and Emily- Mac n Cheese
Dinner: Baked Salmon

B: Popovers
Snacks: Carrots with Ranch
Lunch: Tortillas with filling
Dinner: Britty make dinner (she made cheese stuffed burgers)

B: Cereal
Snacks: Fruit Salad
Lunch: soup, crackers and cheese
Dinner: Roast Sticky Chicken

B: Bagels with Cream Cheese
Lunch: CP Mac n Cheese with Salad
Dinner: Mini pizzas

1 comment:

The Zandi Zoo said...

Yummy,.. sounds great!
Let's see.. Now, I need your mac N cheese recipe. :-)

WAY TO GO Brittany. I bet the burgers were way yummy!!