Monday, November 17, 2008

Daybook Entry for Nov 17th

For the 17th Day of November
Outside my window...beautiful leaves, sparkling pond, birds playing
I am thinking...of how beautiful fall is
I am thankful very many blessings
From the learning rooms...Brittany is reading about Women during the American Revolution, Emily is practicing her reading and getting ready to learn about Ben Franklin
From the kitchen...Broccoli, Potato, Cheese soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
I am wearing...capri sweatpants and a t-shirt with flowers
I am creating...lots of Christmas presents
I am going...absolutely nowhere today
I am reading...Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets
I am hoping...Michael has a peaceful day
I am hearing...Children playing
Around the house...messes are being made by little people
One of my favorite things...yarn
A few plans for the rest of the week: taking Sherria to dinner and movies on Thursday night for her B'day (which is next week), getting flu shots and going to the Social Security office for Brittany
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
a picture Brittany painted.


Susan said...

The picture is a really good job!

Mimi said...

Brittany must be quite talented.

The Man Crew said...

I saw the comment you left on my blog and wanted to return the favor of encouragement. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your life with us today. This was my first one...I think I will keep doing it as I really enjoyed it. Your daughter really is talented with her painting. Keep up the great work, Mama!

Julie said...

love the journaling - what an inspiration!