It has come to my attention that I should change the name of our blog, considering it is not usually about Kaedy anymore! So we are The Lynn/Coon Family blog, for the time being. ;-) I am going to try to send an update about Kaedra at least every other week, though, for those of you who check in here just for those!
To start off, Kaedra is doing wonderfully!!! She is making great leaps and bounds in her development. She is almost walking - the most she has taken is 3 steps. She stands by herself all the time and even can squat and stand back up, with no problems. She LOVES to climb everything and everyone. We have to be really careful with her, she wants to climb in her crib when she isn't in it and out of it, when she is!
She now goes to church 3 times a week...Wednesday and two times on Sunday. She loves church and jumps up and down when we pull into the driveway!! She is starting to recognize the people there and form some bonds there, too. She loves Annie, one of the girls who works in the nursery on Sunday mornings. Annie is Colton's big sister - the little boy that Kaedy is "betrothed" to! :-) (might as well get that pesky marriage thing out of the way while they are little!) He speaks sign language, too, so they can even communicate well! Actually, he had taught all the other little ones in the nursery sign before Kaedy got there, so everyone in there can sign!
Speaking of sign, Kaedra has a huge sign vocabulary. She can make sentences and is starting to learn her manners with "please" and "thank yous". She even learned "sorry" and has used it a couple of times! LOL. She is being verbal on and off. Today she said MOMMY!!! It isn't her first time, but she hasn't said it in a very long time. And today she said it over and over and over. :-) <~~~~ very happy mommy!!! We aren't worried about her verbal development. We think she will take off with it, once she is ready.
She is on no additional oxygen at all (just room air) and her vent settings have been minimized yet again. She is on very little pressure support and is getting no actual breaths. We go down another two increments this week and she should be completely off the vent during the day by Sept 1st. Then we will work on overnight! She is able to come off the vent for a few hours at a time with no problems. Our doctor is really happy with her progress, as are we, of course!!
We no longer have daytime nursing. We had a few days in a row where all of our nurses were sick and we got used to taking care of Kaedra all by ourselves. I LOVED it. It was truly my first chance to EVER get her all to myself all day long, for more than one day and I didn't feel like I was in anyone's way or that I was doing something wrong. I finally felt like we had our baby!! And we had our house! Right after that, our nursing hours were cut by insurance (Hallelujah! God working in the background) and we decided to just ask for night nursing. I love it this way. Actually I am ready to cut the hours down a little more, but insurance will be doing that Sept 1st anyway, so I may just wait until then. We are having a great time with her and we feel like a "real" family now. I am actually getting more done now, than when I had nursing....go figure! :-)
Okay, those are the basics for now...I will try to update y'all about her as important things happen or every other week.
Give that sweet girl a kiss from CA!!!!
What a mighty God we serve!!!
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