Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday Sixteen #2

My Sixteen Favorite Books

1. The Bible, obviously

2. When the Day of Evil Comes by Melanie Wells (the sequel is coming out this month!!!! WOOHOO) (Christian Fiction suspense)

3. Though the Darkness Hide Thee by Susan Wise Bauer (who also happened to write my next favorite) (Christian Fiction Suspense)

4. The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer and her mom Jesse Wise (homeschool, non fiction, classical education book)

5. Prayers that Avail Much 3 volume set by Germaine Copeland (Christian, non fiction, prayers)

6. Left Behind (the first one) by Jerry Jenkins (Christian fiction apocalyptic)

7. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (Romance time travel - not my usual fare)

8. HTML 4.0 For Dummies - taught me how to do a web page! (non fiction, how-to)

9. Babyface : A Story of Heart and Bones by Jeanne McDermott (non fiction story of baby born with facial deformities, great book, esp for mother's who have had any kind of medical challenges with their children. However, not from a Christian perspective...I will have to write that one!!!)

10. Ancient History: From Adam to Messiah by Robin Sampson (non fiction, homeschool curriculum, but one of the best books about bible history, geography and traditions that I have ever read)

11. Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp (non fiction, child raising)

12. The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo, John Mac Arthur, and Jay E. Adams (non fiction, child raising)

13. This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti (Christian Fiction, suspense)

14. Piercing the Darkness by Frank Peretti (Christian Fiction, suspense)

15. King Bidgood's in the Bathtub (and he won't get out) by Audrey and Don Wood (Children's fiction) Also love the Napping House by them.

16. We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury and Michael Rosen (Children's fiction)

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