Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Brain

It's that time of year again.....Time to weed out my brains and create a new one.  I realize you might be thinking I have lost my mind, rather than my brain. Actually my "brain" is a name I have for my home/school organization binder (the term is borrowed from my friend, Lisa, many, many years ago) I haven't really used one much since being here.  I missed it this year and have decided I definitely need one for next year to keep everything in order: our larger home, three homeschoolers (doing two different tracks), several co-ops, a bible study, a few other outside activities, Michael working overnight and my mother in law needing care.  I do almost everything on the computer and my iphone but there are things that I like to see on paper and be able to see the "big picture." I also like: being able to check things off, having things out to remind me constantly (it can get forgotten on my iphone), and being able to take long notes at meetings instead of having to either a) write it on my iphone quickly or b) typing it out after the meeting.  This will be my first time attempting to integrate my home brain with my school brain.  I am not sure if it will work or not....I'll let you know.

Here are some of my favorite resources I use for my "brains:"

I haven't yet started working on my brain, but I will be working on it this week in between packing.  I am excited. This kind of stuff is my favorite kind of stuff to do.  I love the planning.  It's the implementing I need to work on!  ;-)


Lisa Marshall said...

Awesome links. I bet your brain will be a thing of beauty. I need to get cracking on my own--after I re-write all of American History, that is.

I think you are awesome to be a techno geek. I can't even figure out my cell phone,much less let it keep me scheduled. I am so old school.

Susan said...

You are amazing on this tech stuff. Me NOT!!!!

Shirley said...

Thanks for sharing the links! I'll have to come back and look at all of them.

I am a "write it all down" person. I love my computer, but it doesn't compare to a handwritten agenda. ;) We are getting our kids one this year, too! I hope that they use them and find them to be helpful.