Monday, June 02, 2008

The Weaning and sleeping Diaries Part V

For some reason, even from the beginning of the 'getting-to-sleep-in-his-own-bed' process way back in February, Ethan does better at night than during the day. Right now he has been crying for 20 minutes. Oh who am I kidding.... he has been crying all day long, 20 minutes of it has been in his bed. He and Kaedra have both been very loud and 'screamy' today. Maybe potty-traing K, weaning and getting E to sleep in his own bed/room while he is getting his molars (on and off) is too much for one time? Oh well....too late. (insert insane laugh here)

I am desperately awaiting him going to sleep so I can nap and renew my JOY. It is a little depleted at the moment but I know it's there. Where? down in my heart! where? down in my heart!

Wishing and praying for y'all to have quiet, head-ache and stress free times. Yes! I am sowing seeds! Now I am going to reap the harvest, hallelujah!

[Posted with hblogger 2.0 from my Palm T|X]


Anonymous said...

Praying for you!

That's a lot of changes little Ethan is going through right now!

A&EMom said...

Oh, bless your heart - I went through this with my first at age 2. I feel your pain. The 2nd has always been a "my own space" kind of girl, so I just plopped her in her own bed, in her own bedroom, one evening and she slept all night. Seems as though the comforting rhythm of my breathing was keeping her up. Frankly, it was just plain weird.