Monday, February 12, 2007

Quick Blog

I don't have any babies in my arms right now, so I am going to do a very quick update!

We had a week with many "opportunities." Actually it has been a week and a half. Since right before having Ethan...

Here are some of the things going on:
Kaedra got sick so she has been back on her vent and oxygen. It was a bummer because she couldn't go to the hospital to see Ethan and I never had my whole family up there with me. :-( Plus, when we got home, she had to stay in her room (because of germs and because she wasn't feeling good) so I didn't get to see a lot of her. She is feeling better now and I am seeing more of her now. WOOHOO! (besides the fact that Michael went back to work Saturday so there isn't another option anymore!) We are now waiting for her to get back off the vent and oxygen full time. :-)

We got denied by Social Security (which we were assured we would get after Ethan was born). (we are trying to get social security for Kaedra - nursing and medical supplies which are no longer covered by our "wonderful" new insurance) We are now trying to get TEFRA which is supplemental aid for people who have disabled children and who make too much money for Social Security. We are waiting to hear back from them asap.

Because Social Security denied us and because our doctor is paying for our nursing out his own pocket, he cut us back to only 3 days a week of nursing. It has been a challenging week, to say the least - especially with Kaedy-bug sick.

I got diagnosed with severe anemia after delivery. (I had anemia while pregnant but I was unable to take the iron pills because of nausea) I am on some meds now. I have had a horrible headache since having Ethan arrived. I don't know if it was from the epidural or the anemia.

Ethan got off the phototherapy on Thursday. HALLELUJAH! However, he rebounded on Friday and was back up. Our doctor wanted me to supplement my breastmilk, but, after researching it online, I decided not to supplement and to just go with nursing him as much as possible. A nurse is supposed to come out today and check his bilirubin again, so please agree with us that it is at a good level!

Someone attempted to rob Michael's store again. They did break in, but since he had changed all the locks and combinations, they were unable to get money this time.

Well that's the unhappy stuff. The wonderful stuff is:

We had Ethan! And he's healthy and whole from the top of his head to the tips of his toes!

Our church has really blessed us: 2 weeks of meals and they came on Saturday and cleaned our house! We were hoping to make it to church last night, but we didn't have enough oxygen to take Kaedy. I can't wait to make it back!

Kaedra is feeling better every day!

My headache is almost all gone and I have more energy now then I have had since before getting pregnant last year!! I have actually been able to get some things done (when not holding a baby and/or a toddler)

Well Kaedra is waking up....I'd better get off of here. Today I will be learning how to juggle school, a toddler and a newborn. :-) Someday I will add back in more regular blogging and actually answering emails! LOL See ya!


Susan said...

Soooo glad you are back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

Kahri! So good to finally hear from you. I knew you had to be crazy busy after having baby Ethan. That is just how life is after a baby. I didn't want to bother you but I have been checking your blog everyday! I was so excited to see the update!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to blog-land!!

Anemia - Floradix!! Awesome stuff. You can get it at Wild Oats. Kind of pricey but great stuff. It's liquid form so it absorbs much better and is non-consitpating. I've just started taking it every day, twice a day. I feel SOOO much better!

An Ordinary Mom said...

When it rains it pours. I am just glad you seem to be dealing with everything very optimistically. Hang in there, the Lord is right there with you. He WILL NOT give you any more than you can handle.

I hope you, Ehtan and Kaedra all return to tip top health soon!