Tuesday, November 15, 2005

This and That

Well the bad news is our insurance has handed down their edict about our coverage. They want strictly 20 hours a day, not 140 hours a week which means that we cannot have Linda work for 16 hours on Sunday, like she has been. She will have to go back to a 10 hour shift, which, unfortunately, will not cover both church services. We will have to go back to me going on Wednesday night and Michael going on Sunday mornings. Brittany has to get there every time because she is going to be in a play for Christmas so we will have to figure out how to get her there. And I just realized that I need to ask Linda to come this Sunday night, instead of Sunday morning so we can go to the Harvest Dinner. I feel horrible going to the dinner and not going to church in the morning, but we are doing a play for the dinner and I am reciting my poem, Talitha Cumi. Well....this is a conundrum. Hmmmmm this will require some thinking and finagling on my part. My mother in law is not available to help because she just had knee surgery. Sherria can't help because she has to be there too. Same with Timmy and Hillary, my other babysitters. ARGH!!!

We had an Egypt co-op at my house today. It has been a long time since I have had 11 kids in my house all doing projects. It went very well, though, thanks to Paula and her keeping things under control and moving. Although it was FREEZING outside today, we sent the kids out, too, to keep them busy part of the time. They worked on painting their homemade paper, making invitations to Egypt night, painting their mummy masks and designing their menu for the party. Reminder: I need to get a babysitter for that night too, and see if Linda will switch her hours. ARGHity ARGH ARGH.

Kaedy is doing some new things....she learned to hold her cup all by herself and drink from it starting today. She also started playing tug of war with her circuits (which is not a good thing!!! although it is funny!) She is making some sign that none of us can figure out. I wish we knew what she meant, she does it quite a bit.

Well, I never did finish reading Expiration Date. I was FORCING myself to get through it and I thought that was silly. I ended up reading about 3/4 of it before I quit. I did not care about he characters at all or what happened to them. Instead I read Tested by Fire by Kathy Herman. It is first in a series she is starting. It was not my favorite book, but it was a quick read. It was more like what I thought Christian Fiction would be like before I actually started to read Christian Fiction (thanks to my much-missed, good friend Mary!). I want my books to be focused on characters living victoriously through the promises in the Bible and the abundant life that Jesus has given us.

Okay, I had better either get to bed or get started writing. Hasta!

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